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Total Items Found (1226)


The Relation of Christianity to Hinduism

Robert Caldwell
Philosophy, Religion & Spirituality | English

Nargas: Songs of a Sikh

Puran Singh
Poetry, Philosophy | English

Thiruvarutpayan: of Umapathi Sivacharya

J.M.Nallaswami Pillai, Umapathi Shivachariyar
Philosophy, Religion & Spirituality | English

Unstrung Beads

Puran Singh
Poetry, Philosophy | English

An Afternoon with Self

Puran Singh
Poetry, Philosophy | English

At His Feet

Puran Singh
Poetry, Philosophy | English

Tamil Wisdom; Traditions Concerning Hindu Sages, and Selections from their writings

Edward Jewitt Robinson
Poetry, Philosophy | English

Seven Baskets of Prose Poems

Puran Singh
Poetry, Philosophy | English

The Historical Role of Islam: (An Essay on Islamic Culture)

M. N. Roy
Philosophy, Religion & Spirituality | English

Sivagnana Botham of Meykanda Deva

J.M.Nallaswami Pillai, Meykanda Devar
Philosophy, Religion & Spirituality | English

Between the Twilights: Being studies of India women by one of themselves

Cornelia Sorabji
Politics & Society, Philosophy | English

Mindset For Success And Happiness| The Psychology Of Mind.| M.d. Muntazir

Md Muntazir
Self-Improvement, Philosophy | Hindi

Mindset For Success And Happiness| The Psychology Of Mind.| M.d. Muntazir

Md Muntazir, Ideal Muntazir
Self-Improvement, Philosophy | Hindi, Urdu

Master of Self-Realization

An Ultimate Understanding
Philosophy | English


Tanmoy Chatterjee
Philosophy, History | Bengali

ఆ సహవాసంలో ..

Philosophy, Religion & Spirituality | Telugu

Against The Storm

Various Authors
Self-Improvement, Philosophy | English

Master Key to Self-Realization

Shri Siddharameshwar Maharaj
Philosophy | English

Illusion vs. Reality

Shri Ranjit Maharaj
Philosophy | English

Amrut Laya

Shri Siddharameshwar Maharaj
Philosophy | English

Pages from my Diary

Tanya Agarwal
Self-Improvement, Philosophy | English

The Social Misfit : Cherry Picked

Shweta Iyer
Poetry, Philosophy | English