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Total Items Found (679)

Politics & Society

The Mother (India) and Her Diamonds

Mothi Matthew Ashraf (Asraf Ali)
Politics & Society, Job & Career | English, Bengali

The Mystery of Love

Madan Gopal Goel
Politics & Society | English

The MYTH of "Kashmir Problem"

Jammu Kashmir Study Center - Bengaluru Chapter, Compiled by Kiran Kumar S
Politics & Society | English

The North (Saha) vs South (Kwla) in Bodo Politics: NDFB vs BLTF

Politics & Society | English


Politics & Society, Philosophy | English

The Parsee Religion

Dadabhai Naoroji
Politics & Society, History | English

The Path to Peace: Overcoming Corruption, Violence, and Hatred in Our World

C. P. Kumar
Social Science, Politics & Society | English

The Peasant War in Germany

Frederick Engels
Politics & Society, Philosophy | English

The PM's 'Wishlist'

JK Sachin
Politics & Society | English

The Political Economy of Beef Ban

Binu Mathew
Social Science, Politics & Society | English


Politics & Society, Business & Economics | English

The political thinker student

Politics & Society | English

The Post-truth Era: Literature and Media

Mufasir Babu P
Politics & Society | English

The Post-truth Era: Literature and Media

Mufasir Babu P
Politics & Society | English

The Postman 2

Self-Improvement, Politics & Society | English

The Principles of Communism

Frederick Engels
Politics & Society, Philosophy | English

The Problem of Cuba and it’s Revolutionary Policy

Fidel Castro, Che Guevara
Politics & Society, Philosophy | English

The Rationalist Manifesto

Diwankar Saxena
Politics & Society, Philosophy | English

The Revolutionist's Handbook and Pocket Companion

George Bernard Shaw
Politics & Society | English

The Rise of Taliban and Threat to India?

Dr. Denis Archer
Social Science, Politics & Society | English

The Road To Revolution

Politics & Society, History | English

The role of religion in shaping political identities and influencing geopolitical conflicts.

Krishna Moorthy M
Social Science, Politics & Society | English

The Satire Book Shelf - The Immaculate Worthless Collection

Thejendra Sreenivas
Humor, Politics & Society | English

The scourge of terrorism

Faisal Khan
Politics & Society, Religion & Spirituality | English