The Original Rubaaiyat of Omar Khayyam - A Spiritual Interpretation by Swami Yogananda
A Primer in the Philosophy of John Paul II–In His Own Words
A Game of Death, A Mahabharata Story
Scientific Healing Affirmations & The Psychological Chart of 1925
Timeless Gītā Endless Bliss Volume 2 (Sarvaṃ Viṣṇumayaṃ Jagat)
Spiritual Insights: Learning from the Great Masters
The Social Encyclicals and Saint Thomas Aquinas
Satyanarayan Katha in Ovi (poetic) form (in Marathi) – मराठी ओवी-बद्ध श्री सत्यनारायण कथा
Swami Yogananda's East - West Magazines (Vol.4-5 thru Vol.6-4) [July 1930 to February 1934]
Swami Yogananda's East - West Magazines (Vol.1-1 thru Vol.4-4) [November 1925 to June 1930]
Beyond the Words: Unraveling the Hidden Meanings of the Bible
Original Praecepta Lessons of Swami Yoganandaji - Vol.2
भारतीय उपमहाद्वीप में बौद्ध स्थल
Become beloved of Purushottam Shri Krishna
Swami Sriyukteshwar Giri's - The Holy Science (1920 Original Edition)
18 powerful motivational stories from shrimad bhagvad gita
Shrimad bhagvad gita ke 18 adhyayon ki 18 kahaniya
पुरुषोत्तम श्रीकृष्ण के प्रिय बनें पुरुषोत्तम मास में
A Guide to Tranquil Wisdom Insight Meditation (T.W.I.M.)
Guide to Forgiveness Meditation