Musical meters (Talas and Taals) of the Indian subcontinent (Hind Upamahaadweepa)
101 Chitta Svaras - Chittaswaram Online - Brehath Sangeeth Kendram
Tabla Gths, Parans, Chakkardars
Suhag, Ghorhian, Tappe, Dholki De Geet and Bollyian (Hindi Version)
Suhag, Ghorhian, Tappe, Dholki De Geet and Bollyian (Hindi Version)
क्या किसी भी उम्र में singing सीखी जा सकती है?
Compilation of Wedding Folk songs
Suhag, Ghorhian, Tappe, Dholki De Geet, and Bolian
Suhag, Ghorhian, Tappe, Dholki De Geet, and Bolian
Approach to Music : the Indian way
Shishu Sangeeta Manjari vol 1 - Kannada
Shishu Sangeeta Manjari vol 1 - Sanskrit
Kuzhandaigalin Karnaatakam, translation of Children's Carnatic Vol 1
Approach to Music : the Indian way (Vocal & Veena)