Rekha: The Evergreen Beauty of Indian Cinema
RMIM Articles 7: Pakistani Films
RMIM Articles: 3. Music Directors
Satyajit Roy: The Great Master of Indian Films
Sindhu Rochak: The beginning of Jaduisagar
Sneaker Coloring Book for Adults
Speak Less, Connect More : Mastering Minimalist Communication
Taal thekas (metrical rhythms) of Hindustani sangita (music) and nritya (dance)
Telugu Filmography Volume 1 (1932-1980)
Telugu Filmography Volume 2 (1981-2000)
Tenkutittu Yakshagana Theatre-a prelude to its rhythm
The Art How To Make Money Fast
The Art of Giving and Receiving GIFT
the art of Self publishing and website creation
The Bitter-Sweet Cocktail Movies, Music, Wine, Women The Life and Times of C. Ramchandra