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Total Items Found (547)

Social Science

Why Do India’s Urban Poor Choose to Go Private?

Thilo Klein
Social Science | English

Microfinance and Vulnerability to Poverty

Oliver Rogall
Social Science | English

Mission Drift in Microfinance

Pim Engels
Social Science | English

Essays on Algorithmic Trading

Markus Gsell
Social Science | English

Organizational Outsourcing Readiness

Sebastian F Martin
Social Science | English

Iris Murdoch and Her Work: Critical Essays

Mustafa Kirca (Ed.), Sule Okuroglu (Ed.)
Social Science | English

InExActArt - The Autopoietic Theatre of Augusto Boal

Birgit Fritz
Social Science | English


Zita Á Pataki (Ed.), Birgit Ulrike Münch (Ed.)
Social Science | English, German

Think Positive Be Positive

Jayshree Parmar
Social Science | English

Hindutva and Indian Religious Traditions

Sebastian Kappen
Social Science | English

Let's Search Happiness...

Amar Singh
Social Science, Philosophy | English


Social Science | Hindi

Voice of the Voiceless

Seram Neken
Social Science | English

Organic Food Marketing in Urban Centres of India

Nina Osswald, Manoj Kumar Menon
Social Science, Business & Economics | English

Articles on Current Affairs 2013

Shashikant Nishant Sharma
Social Science | English

An Introduction to Management

Kalpesh B. Gelda
Social Science | English

Organic Food Marketing in Urban Centres of India

Nina Osswald, Manoj Kumar Menon
Social Science, Business & Economics | English

Social Institutions Among the Hindus

Vidyalankara Prof S. K. Ramachandra Rao
Social Science, Politics & Society | English, Sanskrit

Diversity, Democracy and Development

B K Nagla, M Saleem Jahangir
Social Science | English

World Social Forum : Critical Explorations

Jai Sen, Peter Waterman
Social Science, Politics & Society | English


Satya Sarada Kandula
Social Science | English