Advaita Vedanta: Ser el Ser (SpHa)
Tantra : Liberation in the world (EnSc)
The Art of Giving and Receiving GIFT
Advaita Vedanta: Being the Self (EnHca)
Bhakti yoga: The path of love (EnSo)
Advaita Vedanta: ser el Ser (SpSo)
Tantra - La Liberación en el Mundo (SpSc)
Experimenting with the Truth (EnSo)
Advaita Vedanta: Being the Self (EnSo)
Question Bank of Computer Awareness & Computer Aptitude (2008-2018)
Bhakti Yoga: The path of love (EnHca)
Experimentando con la Verdad (SpSo)
Bhakti Yoga - el sendero del amor (SpSo)
Kundalini Yoga: El poder está en ti (SpHa)
Tantra - Liberation in the World (EnHca)
પ્રભુ પધાર્યા ( Prabhu Padharya )
Kundalini yoga: The power is in you (EnHca)
Experimentando con la verdad (SpHa)