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Search Results For " Dr. Renish M. Ghetiya" (3)

Design and Synthesis of Some Medicinally Important Heterocycles

Dr. Ashish Patel, Dr. Jignesh Lunagariya, Dr. Renish Ghetiya, Dr. Mehul Bhatt
Social Science | English

Discovering the Novel Heterocyclic Entities

Dr. Ashish Patel, Dr. Renish Ghetiya, Dr. Jignesh Lunagariya, Dr. Mehul Bhatt
Social Science | English

Studies of 1, 2, 3, 4-Tetrahydro Pyrimidine Derivatives

Dr. Haresh K. Ram, Dr. Bhavesh L. Dodiya, Dr. Renish M. Ghetiya
Social Science | English