The Guardians of Erum and the Calamitous Child of Socotra
Ilaj Bil Tadbeer: The Regimental Therapies of Unani Medicine
Orion Aliens' Friend (An imaginary story)
Unani Medicine: A Holistic Approach to Healing
Regimental Therapies: A Comprehensive MCQs Guide for Unani Medical Officer and PG NEET Exams
Unani Dermatology: A Handbook for Hair, Nails, and Skin Diseases
Orion and Alien’s boys G and Z
Orion Aliens' Friend (An imaginary story)
Orion and Alien's boys G and Z
Orion and Alien's boys G and Z
MCQs for Research Methodology and Biostatistics Essentials
The Lost Treasure: Early Hindustani Talkies
Lucknow: Wandering in the Lanes of History 1700s & 1800s