मानव मस्तिष्क जीवन का शक्ति स्रोत
The Human Brain Power Source of Life
Emotional Intelligence Comprehensive Guide
निर्णय लेने और समस्या समाधान मार्गदर्शिका
Decision Making and Problem Solving
"Mastering Time and Self-Management:
"The Quest for the Golden Crown"
"Race Across the Sahara Desert" story book
"Outdoor Adventures: Embrace the Wild" Story Book
Sports Odyssey: "The Sports Explorer: An Athletic Adventure" Story Book
"Healthy Adventures: A Journey to Wellness Through Sports and Outdoor Activities" Story Book
"Adventure Through Movement: The Joy of Physical Activity and Play" Story Book
"The Human Condition: An Introduction to Behavioral Sciences" Story Book
"Ecosystem Adventures: Exploring Earth's Habitats" Story Book
"The Power of Habits: Behavioral Science and Personal Growth."
"Healthy Adventures: A Journey to Wellness Through Sports and Outdoor Activities"