Śrīla Prabhupāda's Upadeśāmṛta (The Nectarean Instructions of Śrīla Prabhupāda)
Kundalini Yoga: El poder está en ti (SpSo)
Kundalini Yoga: El poder está en ti (SpHa)
Kundalini yoga: The power is in you (EnHca)
Kundalini yoga: The power is in you (EnSo)
BHAKTI KATHĀ: Lectures from His Divine Grace Prabhupād Nitya Gopāl Goswāmī
પ્રભુ પધાર્યા ( Prabhu Padharya )
Srila Prabhupada and the Harekrishna Movement
Srila Prabhupada: The Story of Abhay Charan De
Fundamental changes in Physics and Astronomy
Letters on India The New York Times Did Not Publish
Perplexed to Perceptible Force-Gravity
Fundamental Changes in Physics and Astronomy
How I Spoke My Mind and Created Enemies Around
A Song of Joy, Knowledge and Enlightenment- Bhagavat Gita
Whip Of The Wild God (The Moksha Trilogy #1)