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Total Items Found (54)

Search Results For "S. PAUL" (54)

A Number Game

Shubhankar Paul
Computers & Internet, Mathematics | English

Programs in Java to add and subtract big numbers

Shubhankar Paul
Computers & Internet, Mathematics | English

Theorems on Mersenne numbers of prime index (Part II)

Shubhankar Paul
Mathematics | English

Taxicab(5, 2, 2) doesn't exist (Another proof)

Shubhankar Paul
Mathematics | English

Program in Java to insert big number of the form factorial n digitwise in array to work with

Shubhankar Paul
Computers & Internet, Mathematics | English

On Number Theory (Part VIII)

Shubhankar Paul
Mathematics | English

Wall-Sun-Sun prime doesn’t exist

Shubhankar Paul
Mathematics | English

Theorems on Number Theory

Shubhankar Paul
Mathematics | English

Some Theorems

Shubhankar Paul
Mathematics | English

Composite Mersenne number with prime index are square free

Shubhankar Paul
Mathematics | English

Mathematics, which beats anything

Shubhankar Paul
Philosophy, Mathematics | English

Solved problems (Part III)

Shubhankar Paul
Mathematics | English

RMO Solved Problems for ISI, CMI

Shubhankar Paul
Mathematics | English

Algorithm for finding remainder when big number is divided by big number

Shubhankar Paul
Computers & Internet, Mathematics | English

Theorems on Mersenne numbers of prime index

Shubhankar Paul
Mathematics | English

Lichrel number exists in base-10

Shubhankar Paul
Mathematics | English

On Perfect Cuboid

Shubhankar Paul
Mathematics | English

On Number Theory (Part IV)

Shubhankar Paul
Mathematics | English

Test of Mathematics at 10+2 level Objective Solution

Shubhankar Paul
Mathematics | English

On Number Theory (Part II)

Shubhankar Paul
Mathematics | English

On Euler's totient function

Shubhankar Paul
Mathematics | English