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Total Items Found (169)

Search Results For "VARIOUS" (169)

భారతదేశ చరిత్ర

Education & Language, Reference | English

india in my view

Vishal Tatwavedi
Travel | English

colourig book for kids - variety of shapes and design for painting

pradyumn birla, Arvina sharma
Children, Crafts & Hobbies | English

Visas for the United States - ExecVisa (Indians)

Education & Language, Travel | English

Unsung Junior Artists of Hindi Cinema (BW Edition)

Upendra Samaranayake, Professor Surjit Singh
Reference, Performing Arts | English

Trapped in Darkness :A Friendship and Survival

T Raddika Gupta
Children, Travel | English, Telugu

Total Quality Management: Unlocking Success in Business and Industry

Dr. Kanchan D. Ganvir, Prof. Jayashri V. Chopade, Prof. Himanshu M. Shukla
Business & Economics, Reference | English


Annie Besante, C. W. Leadbeater
Arts & Photography | English

Thekas and Farans of Karnatic Percussion

Music, Performing Arts | English

The Sanskrit Alphabet with Vedic Extensions

Ashwini Kumar Aggarwal
Education & Language, Reference | English, Sanskrit

The Sanskrit Alphabet with Vedic Extensions

Ashwini Kumar Aggarwal
Education & Language, Reference | English, Sanskrit

The Omnibus of Pen Sketching

Shirish Deshpande
Arts & Photography, Crafts & Hobbies | English

The Foodie's Coloring Companion

Abi Design Finds
Arts & Photography, Crafts & Hobbies | English

The ArtZentangle

Vidhi Mathur
Arts & Photography | English

The 3 Big Cs: Cancer, Causes and Cures

S Verma
Reference, Diet & Health | English

Technology Method and Process

A Yashudas, Pradeep Singh, Prof. Dr. B.K Sarkar, Prof. Dr. Reena Singh
Reference, Science & Technology | English

Technology Method and Process

A Yashudas, Pradeep Singh, Prof. Dr. B.K Sarkar, Prof. (Dr.) Reena Singh
Reference, Science & Technology | English

Tabla Gths, Parans, Chakkardars

Pandit Sadanand Naimpalli
Music | Hindi


Travel, Job & Career | English

Systematic approach for patent document summarization using artifi cial neural network

Dr. Avinash Thakur, Prof. (Dr.) Lalit Kumar Wadhwa
Reference, Science & Technology | English

Soamibagh Samadh of Agra Radhasoami Satsang Soami ji Maharaj-Agra-India

Anurag Mathur
Religion & Spirituality, Arts & Photography | English, Hindi

Sneaker Coloring Book for Adults

Georgica's World
Arts & Photography, Performing Arts | English

Sketching Diaries

Various Authors
Arts & Photography | English