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THE HILL TOP RUN (Second Edition)

Type: Print Book
Genre: Children, Drama/Play
Language: English
Price: ₹250 + shipping
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Dive into the journey of fourteen quirky characters – Advik, Anika, Parijat, Pooja, Dev, Divya, Udarsh, Yoshitaa, Dvij, Chhaya, Tvisha, Palak, Dhruv, Yug; on a vacation from Golden Rays Colony in Mumbai to Hotel Dew Drops in Goa, on a cruise! But this cruise has brought much more than just a vacation. A nationwide lock-down is announced and all the fourteen get stuck at hotel Dew Drops. They have memories to make and friendships to cherish. Flip back and read to enjoy this exciting trip with our fourteen Golden Rayer's!

About the Author

'LOCKATION' is the debut fiction story of a 14-year-old first time author - Parvathy Raman. The author is in her class 9 at The Orchid School, Pune. She is an avid reader and started reading books at the age of 5. After reading almost 500+ books she decided to write a fiction story during the lock-down which was declared in India due to the COVID -19 pandemic. She completed this book in a span of two months. This is her first book and she aspires to write more in future.

Book Details

Publisher: Beacon Par Excellence
Number of Pages: 249
Dimensions: 5"x8"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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THE HILL TOP RUN (Second Edition)

THE HILL TOP RUN (Second Edition)

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