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This Book, titled ‘Story of Ravana and the Epic War of Lanka’, is a most fascinating and wondrous Story of the life and time of Ravana, the legendary King of Lanka, and the Epic War that he fought with Lord Ram, a manifestation of the Supreme Being and the King of Ayodhya, a Story that is made famous in the ancient classic known as the ‘Ramayana’, a venerated book that has been adapted by different cultures, and translated into many languages of the world.
Ravana’s importance cannot be overlooked or underestimated, as without him there would have been no story of the great classic the world knows by the name of ‘Ramayana’. The greatness of Ravana’s Soul and the power of his Spirit can be gauged from the very fact that he obliged the Supreme Being to descend from heaven and assume a human form as Lord Ram in order...
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