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I was messed up

I was messed up

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3 Customer Reviews

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sahil 12 years, 10 months ago

Re: I was messed up

Liked the turn at the end, quite unexpected, all in all nicely penned down. Appreciate the grip on the plot. powerful and captivating. Next from the author should be a comedy

mansi gupta 12 years, 10 months ago

Re: I was messed up

Liked the plot and the simple narration, a quick and connecting read. A little more romance between the first couple could have added more love to it.

sands 12 years, 10 months ago Verified Buyer

Re: I was messed up

A very gripping read, great plot and turns of fate. I couldnt possibly get over it, couldnt leave it in between. Great job. A well organised lucid explanation