Well to be honest the poetry is nice.. I was very sceptical while buying as I have never heard about the author but right after 4 or 5 poetry I was in tears. I mean the feelings in the poetry is so deep.. I would really want the true poetry lovers to buy it and read the poetry.
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Well to be honest the poetry is nice.. I was very sceptical while buying as I have never heard about the author but right after 4 or 5 poetry I was in tears. I mean the feelings in the poetry is so deep.. I would really want the true poetry lovers to buy it and read the poetry.
Nice Poetry
Well to be honest the poetry is nice.. I was very sceptical while buying as I have never heard about the author but right after 4 or 5 poetry I was in tears. I mean the feelings in the poetry is so deep.. I would really want the true poetry lovers to buy it and read the poetry.