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Stock Market Build Your Basics

Analysis and Investment
Argha Ray
Type: Print Book
Genre: Self-Improvement, Business & Economics
Language: English
Price: ₹385 + shipping

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“Stock Market Build Your Basics: Analysis and Investment” takes you to a step by step learning module, and gives you all the knowledge you need in order to understand the market, analyse it, and make successful investments.

• Chapter 1- Savings vs. Investment
• Chapter 2- History
• Chapter 3- Important Terms
• Chapter 4- Fundamental Analysis
• Chapter 5- Income Statement
• Chapter 6- Balance Sheet
• Chapter 7- Cash Flow Statement
• Chapter 8- Interpreting Charts
• Chapter 9- Patterns and Trends
• Chapter 10- Case Studies
• Chapter 11- Buffett’s Rules
• Chapter 12- Important Notes
• Chapter 13- Mutual Funds
• Chapter 14- Scams
• E1- Bonds
• E2- Terminology
• E3- IPO Analysis

Features of this book-
• Simple language, easy to read and understand.
• Detailed discussion on fundamental along with financial statements- income statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement.
• Detailed discussion on technical analysis.
• Case studies on real-time companies listed on stock exchange.
• Detailed discussion on mutual funds and its various types.

About the Author

Argha Ray, a resident of Kolkata, West Bengal, India, currently pursuing his B.Tech Marine Engineering from Directorate of Marine Engineering and Training, Kolkata ( DMET). Apart from engineering, He is also interested about the concept of investing and have been learning about it for last few years and exploring creative ideas about investments.

Other books written by Argha- "Practical Approach to Passive Income: What Why and How" and "Retail Management: Complete Planning and Strategy Framework".

Book Details

ISBN: 9798672624716
Number of Pages: 174
Dimensions: 6"x9"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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