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Brunette And Her Bunny

Brunette And Her Bunny

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3 Customer Reviews

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Rameshan 8 years, 1 month ago

Re: Brunette And Her Bunny

Way to go,beautiful drawing ever. Almost fell in love with your style. I hope we can meet personally so that I can see your art works.

Shruti Suman 8 years, 1 month ago

Re: Brunette And Her Bunny

I will vote for this author as I find her books interesting forever. I will keep supporting you for creating such beautiful stories. thanks a lot for such books.

animestar 8 years, 1 month ago

Re: Brunette And Her Bunny

VERY cute and beautiful book for children. There is a drawing page for them to color it. The story will give a good moral lesson too.