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My name is Betty Steinhauer.
I have no address. I own very little besides what I carry with me as I roam the streets. Just stuff bundled in 9-10 suitcases parked with friends across the world.
For me, being homeless is part of a bigger plan.
After being hit by a car several years ago not long after retiring, I had an epiphany. I realized that I had been on my own spiritual journey since my first visit to India in 1990. Since then, I have travelled to 155 countries, sometimes as a tourist, sometimes on business, sometimes for my charity. I have made friends all over the world. But, I still had unanswered questions. So, I decided to sell everything, pack up my life and travel the world with a difference.
This time I would journey not as a tourist but as a traveller wanting to learn from...
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