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Addictive Love

Addictive Love

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Bookbloggerrr 1 day, 2 hours ago

Great read!

This is such a great read. Would definitely recommend this book!

The author's talent as a writer shines through in this captivating story.

The FMC was so bold and sassy, making her character truly amazing. The MMC was also impressive, leaving me in awe. I appreciated how the author also gave importance to the side characters, which added depth to the story.

The rollercoaster ride of emotions, tension, chemistry, push and pull, and the grovel in their relationship kept me hooked until the end. I especially loved the dynamic between the characters and their friendships. The unexpected ending left me both surprised and intrigued.

I am eagerly anticipating the release of the second book in the series and cannot wait to continue reading more of her work.