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Dependent Origination - Craving (Tanha)

The 12 Links of Dependent Origination
Delson Armstrong
Type: Print Book
Genre: Religion & Spirituality
Language: English
Price: ₹323 + shipping
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Delson Armstrong, a Buddhist Meditation Master dives deep into the Buddha's concept of Craving (Tanha). The other word for this is "desire". What is the cause of our suffering. What is the cause of our not finding happiness. Here Craving is described as a key link in the links of Dependent Origination which is the Buddha's concept of how the mind works. The book describes what craving is and how it creates the person "Me" or idea of self.

About the Author

Delson Armstrong is a trailblazing meditation teacher and author who leads students to deep personal transformation through traditional and innovative approaches. Affable and playfully irreverent, Delson takes meditation “beyond mindfulness” to bring access to rarified states such as jhāna (deep peace), cessation (awakening experiences), and “mundane Nibbana” or enlightenment in everyday life. You can check out his other books on the links of dependent origination and also his major work, "Mind Without Craving".

Book Details

ISBN: 9798334606579
Publisher: Dhamma Sukha Publishing
Number of Pages: 161
Dimensions: 6"x9"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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Dependent Origination - Craving (Tanha)

Dependent Origination - Craving (Tanha)

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