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श्री कृष्ण भगवान के दिव्य सन्देश प्रथम खंड Shree Krishna Bhagwan ke Divya Sandesh Pratham Khand

Dr. Lok Mani Gupta
Type: Print Book
Genre: Religion & Spirituality
Language: Hindi
Price: ₹249
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Shreemad Bhagvat Geeta ji a part of Mahabharat, is a sacred text that provides deep insight and directions on vast range of topics including personal, familiar and social relationships along with professional life.
While going through Shreemad Bhagvat Geeta ji we must try to understand the few important lessons from this noble devine granth to manage relationships effectively.

1, Most important lesson to learn is never become disappointed with situations.
Never escape but face them having a whole hearted faith in God.
Every hurdle have a way to overcome.
Destiny had decided everything.

2.To Meet The obligations towards Dharm And Duty
Shreemad Bhagvat Geeta ji narrates a strong emphasis on performance of one's duty.
This refers to realise and carry out our obligations in different positions as whole, such as that of a spouse, parent, friend, or family member, in the context of relationships.
People makes a beneficial impact on their relationships and foster harmony when they live according to their dharm.

3. Practicing Detachment
Detachment is one of the Shreemad Bhagvat Geeta ji's core teachings.
It suggests that we shouldn't get unduly connected to the results of our efforts, not that we should avoid connections altogether.
We may lessen the negative effects of expectations and disappointments on our relationships by engaging in non-attachment practices.
We don't have to rely on other people's emotions to show us love and care for us.

4. Implying The Concept Of Karm Yog
Shreemad Bhagvat Geeta ji revolves around the pivot of Karm Yog. It inspires people to carry out their responsibilities with dedication and without regard for the consequences.
Doing dedicated hardwork without expecting anything in return is the foundation of this principle's use in relationships.
Our connections become more real and less transactional when we respond with love and selflessness.

5. Focusing On Self Relations
Shreemad Bhagvat Geeta ji inspires people to have a greater understanding of who they are, their origin and insertion.
It teaches that realisation of oneself is the first step towards authentic knowledge.
To establish successful connections with others, we need first to have a good understanding of our own needs, desires, expectations, anxieties, and shortcomings.
Through reflection and self-awareness, we may enhance our ability to manage our relationships with honesty and compassion.

6. Always Respecting
Shreemad Bhagvat Geeta ji promotes the concept of universal fraternity and respect for every creature in nature. It highlights the fact that everyone is interconnected on a spiritual level.
This knowledge promotes tolerance, empathy, and compassion in our interpersonal interactions.

About the Author

Dr. Lok Mani Gupta

Book Details

ISBN: 9788197890734
Publisher: Hemakshee Publication
Number of Pages: 80
Dimensions: 5.5"x8.5"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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श्री कृष्ण भगवान के दिव्य सन्देश  प्रथम खंड Shree Krishna Bhagwan ke Divya Sandesh Pratham Khand

श्री कृष्ण भगवान के दिव्य सन्देश प्रथम खंड Shree Krishna Bhagwan ke Divya Sandesh Pratham Khand

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