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8085, 8086 & 8051 Programming for Beginners

Dr. Raghvendra. D. Kulkarni, Mr. Sripad. G. Kulkarni
Type: Print Book
Genre: Computers & Internet, Information Technology
Language: English
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Microprocessor is seen as a man-made human brain that intelligently and
logically follows human instructions. The decision making capability of
the microprocessor incorporates a control unit, an arithmetic logic unit,
memory, data storage and its manipulation, transmission of information,
time sharing, multiprocessing and parallel processing. Microprocessors
are designed as per data sizes, and speeds, and this aspect is changing day
by day with an increase in the volume of data, and processing speed.
The Microprocessor is the central processing unit (CPU) of a
microcomputer, integrated on a very small chip. It performs arithmetic &
logical operations and interfaces with external devices. Microprocessors
and Microcontrollers are said to be cost-effective, of small size, versatile
and reliable

About the Authors

**Dr. Raghavendra. D. Kulkarni, B. E. (ECE), M. Tech. (DS & CE), Ph. D. (ECE)**
Working as a Principal at Kai. Amadar Brahmdevdada Mane Shikshan Va. Samajik Pratishthan, Belati Sanchalit, Brahmdevdada Mane Institute of Technology, Belati, Solapur, Maharashtra State. The said institute is accredited by NAAC, approved by AICTE, New Delhi, Govt. of Maharashtra, and affiliated to P. A. H. Solapur University, Solapur.
He has 28+ years of concept-based Teaching, Mentoring, Industrial, Research, and Administrative experience. He authored and co-authored many research articles in Journals & Conferences and delivered invited talks. He published & edited books, has patents, bestowed with awards, and he is guiding & externally mentoring Ph. D. scholars of different universities.

**Mr. Sripad. G. Kulkarni, B. E. (CSE), M. E. (CSE) by Research**
Working as an Assoc. Prof. & Vice-Principal at Kai. Amadar Brahmdevdada Mane Shikshan Va. Samajik Pratishthan, Belati Sanchalit, Brahmdevdada Mane Institute of Technology, Belati, Solapur, Maharashtra State. The said institute is accredited by NAAC, approved by AICTE, New Delhi, Govt. of Maharashtra, and affiliated to P. A. H. Solapur University, Solapur.
He has 17+ years of Industrial, Teaching, Mentoring, and Administrative experience. He contributed his academic know-how by publishing research articles in conferences, and the journey is on.

Book Details

ISBN: 9788197783340
Publisher: GEH Press
Number of Pages: 194
Dimensions: 7"x9"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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8085, 8086 & 8051 Programming for Beginners

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