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Type: Print Book
Genre: Information Technology, Science & Technology
Language: English
Price: ₹850
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IoT stands for the Internet of Things. It refers to the network of physical objects or "things" embedded with sensors, software, and other technologies that enable them to connect and exchange data with other devices and systems over the internet. These objects can range from everyday items such as household appliances, wearable devices, and vehicles to industrial machines and infrastructure components.

About the Authors

Dr Surender Kumar Yadav
Assistant professor in Mechanical engineering department
IMSEC, Gaziabad

Prof. (Dr.) B. K. Sarkar (8059794469), Founder (04): 1-GEH Research LLP, 2-ADBIGA Innovation LLP, 3-BS5 Innovation & Development LLP, 4-VBR Innovation LLP. 1: Post.Doc. (Singapore), PhD. (CS) (IIT), M-Tech (CS) IIT, B-Tech (CS). 2: Total no National Patent =881 (Published: 881, Granted: 208). 3: Total no of International Patent= 122 (Published: 122, Granted: 80).4: Total no of Patent Commercialized: 26 (21L+ 23L+45L+5L+50L+. =77.44 Cr.).5: 12- Patent is under Process to commercialization: (3.0Cr, 45L, 72L,-=15.87Cr.) 6: Project Completed: 2300 Cr. (International, National Level).7: Running Project under Japan Govt. = (in Group) =567.00Cr. (International) 8: Consultancy Work Completed: 12Cr. (National, International)9: Book Published: International =20, Total no of E-Book= 12, 10: Member: JCET, IJCET, IJECRT, IETE, IJLTEMAS, ISTE, SMU, IIHT, Global-R/D.11: Total no of Research Paper: International-146, National-131.12: Total no of Awards: 20 (Best -Teachers, Researcher, Speakers…),13: Workshop/Guest Lectures/Visits/Seminar (Guide, Presented) = 157-IPR- Patent, 24- NBA, 25- NAAC, 21-US- Patent, 10-Start-up India, (National, International).14. Organized – (National, International): Awards Ceremony-45, Conference-31.), 15: YouTube Channel: Views and Subscribers Increased using Algorithm /Programming. Mobile: +91, 8059794469, and 8830121996 E- Mail:

Co-Founder Geh Research -USA, India: Prof. (Dr.) Reena Singh, Post. Doc , Ph.D , M-Tech (CS),B-Tech(CS) ,Total on of Patent: 127, Funded Project Under: 357 Cr., Running Project Under Japan Govt.: 347 Cr., Member: IETE, ISTE, GET, IJECRT -REVIEWERS , Email, Total no of Paper Published: 37 ( International/ National), Total no of Workshop Conducted, Attended: 07, 21 , Total no of Seminar Conducted ,Attended: 07, 17 ,Total no of Student Guide at ME/M-Tech=17 , Total no of Student Guide BE/ B-Tech=27, Book Published: National =31, International =17 (ISBN: 978-613-9-2266-9) (Geh Press Publishing, USA) Book Prize=6850.00Rs.

Co-Founder Geh Press -USA, India Prof.(Dr.) Vandana Singh. Total on of Patent: 226, Funded Project Under: 156 Cr., Running Project Under Japan Govt.: 245Cr., Member: IETE, ISTE, GET, IJECRT -REVIEWERS , Email, Total no of Paper Published: 134 ( International/ National), Total no of Workshop Conducted, Attended: 16, 21 , Total no of Seminar Conducted ,Attended: 15, 26 , Book Published: National =12, International =09 (ISBN: 978-613-9-2266-9) (Geh Press Publishing, USA) Book Prize=850.00Rs

Book Details

ISBN: 9788197607943
Publisher: GEH Press
Number of Pages: 311
Dimensions: A4
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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