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Type: Print Book
Genre: Medicine & Science, Diet & Health
Language: English
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At a time when scientific innovations continue to redefine the boundaries of possibility, the field of food science is no exception. As we embark on a journey into the challenges and promises of nanofood science and technology, we find ourselves at the intersection of two worlds: cooking that has inspired humanity for centuries, and culinary practices that are changing the way we live. world science. Create, use and think about food. Nanofood science and technology is a new field changing the face of our food, offering an unprecedented opportunity to improve the quality, safety and sustainability of the food we eat.
Entering the world of nanofood technology is a journey of curiosity and culinary inspiration. This poses an important question: How can we use the power of nanotechnology to create foods that not only delight our hearts but also support the health and stability of our bodies? This introduction sets...

About the Authors

Dr.T.Mohammad Munawar completed B.Tech (Biotechnology) in 2004-2008, M.Tech (Biochemical Engineering & Biotechnology) in 2008-2010, from Osmania University, Hyderabad and PhD (2016) in biotechnology from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Anantapuramu, India. His research work focused on the area of fermentation and Medicinal plant biotechnology for Phytochemical screening, evaluation of its antimicrobial activity on various pathogenic bacteria, anti inflammatory and antioxidant activity. He also worked on industrial and food biotechnology to understand the production, purification, characterisation and application of primary and secondary metabolite biosynthesis. He forte is Industrial biotechnology, Plant, Environmental biotechnology and Food biotechnology. He has 12 years of teaching experience, teaching undergraduate and postgraduate students. He has mentored undergraduate and postgraduate students for their projects. He has received International Academic Excellence Award 2021 and National Distinguished Young Scientist Award from the I2OR is registered MSME with ministry of MSME Govt of India. Currently, he is working as an Assistant...

Book Details

ISBN: 9788196662608
Publisher: Book Saga Publications
Number of Pages: 337
Dimensions: 8.27"x11.69"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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