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Type: Print Book
Genre: Computers & Internet
Language: English
Price: ₹775
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"Mastering Cloud Computing" offers a comprehensive guide to understanding, implementing, and mastering the intricacies of cloud computing, covering a wide range of topics essential for beginners and experienced professionals in the field.

The book begins with an insightful introduction to cloud computing, providing readers with a solid foundation of knowledge on key concepts, principles, and benefits. Readers will explore the evolution of cloud computing, its underlying technologies, and deployment models.

Moving on, the book delves into cloud computing architecture, offering in-depth insights into various architectural components, including infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and software as a service (SaaS). Readers will gain a comprehensive understanding of cloud deployment models, scalability, elasticity, and other related techinques on designing and implementing cloud architectures.

Service management in cloud computing is a critical aspect thoroughly explored in the book. Readers will learn about managing cloud services, monitoring, performance optimization,...

About the Authors

Dr. Vimal Mishra is the director of the Institute of Engineering and Rural Technology (I.E.R.T.) in Prayagraj, India. He has more than thirty years of teaching experience. Dr. Mishra received his Ph.D. from I.I.T., B.H.U., Varanasi, India.

He has guided many Ph.D. and M.Tech. research scholars in Computer Engineering. His research interests include Machine Translation, Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Computing, Machine Learning, etc. He has published more than sixty-five (65) peer-reviewed research articles in national and international journals.

He is also an editorial board member of the International Journal of Computational Systems Engineering. Dr. Mishra also served as a member of BoG, M.N.N.I.T. Allahabad, and a member of the Academic Council in A.K.T.U. University Lucknow, India.

Dr. Ajay Kumar Dubey is an associate professor at the Computer Science Board of the Technical Education Department, Government of Uttar Pradesh, India. He has more than twenty years of teaching experience....

Book Details

ISBN: 9781637549308
Number of Pages: 294
Dimensions: 8.27"x11.69"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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Mastering Cloud Computing

Mastering Cloud Computing

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