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₹ 449
‘Shandilya Bhakti Sutra’ is a Book of 100 Aphorisms on Bhakti, the path of devotion, affection and love for Lord God. It was enunciated and expounded by sage Shandilya who was a great illustrious sage of ancient India, belonging to the period of the Upanishads and the Purans. This Book removes all doubts in the mind of a seeker regarding the importance of Bhakti, and why it is an important spiritual tool and the best path to God-realisation.
All learners need an easy to read and understand guide-book to help them grasp the essentials of the subject of their interest. Similarly on the spiritual path too an aspirant would need guidelines and a road map to show him the correct way forward, to tell him what to do in order to achieve success in his spiritual endeavours and warn him against the various pitfalls and how to avoid them,...
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