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Unconventional (eBook)

Type: e-book
Genre: Literature & Fiction
Language: English, Hindi
Price: ₹225
(Immediate Access on Full Payment)
Available Formats: PDF


Every one of us faces choices to make- some difficult, some relatively easy.
To unshackle the soul and unleash the wild spirit is in us; either to have the audacity and swim against the flow, or to play the victim and surrender to situations, is a choice we all have…
Many instances from Lisa’s story will would hopefully seem relatable to all of you.
What exactly is the “happy- ending” and “success”- have no precise definition.
To each, his own…
The circumstances, reactions of people and of course the path chosen by destiny or luck, as we may say, play their part too, just as they did for Lisa.
But the ultimate choice of controlling our thoughts, channelizing our paths and working our way out, through the mazes, partially webbed by us and rest created by outer influences, is up to us.
The ego clashes, jealousy, breakdowns, hardships, are all part of the snake and ladder...

About the Author

Adv Cherry Kushwaha is a renowned criminal defense advocate, legal counselor and an astromancer. Visit her official website

Book Details

Number of Pages: 172
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

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