In the last few years a new paradigm has emerged in couples relationships. One that is radically different from earlier heights to which we all aspired. This new Conscious approach represents a shift in how we can fulfill and sustain the aspirations we started our relationship with. For it offers a level of intimacy, harmony, healing, and personal and spiritual growth that is far beyond what people have come to expect after years of being together. Yet represents more closely the archetype that lives deep within our hearts than any other model of a life partnership and the growth of consciousness.
This paradigm is so new we rarely see it clearly laid out anywhere. Here, couples therapist and spiritual leader Chris Wright presents this new orientation simply and comprehensively. And as you go through these dynamics you will intuitively recognize them. Relate to them. And affirm them.
These awarenesses are based on over thirty years of working with couples. These new dynamics consistently emerged and made all the difference in their relationships. So you do not have to start from scratch in trying to figure it out within your self.
The personal awareness and skills you gain here in this book are what has enabled and empowered partners to recognize and live from their spiritual nature, through thick and thin. However, that is based on gaining the self-awareness of the inner forces in their individual personality that throw them out of balance and affect the relationship, which this book uniquely provides.
It is these personal awarenesses that enable couples to recognize, resolve and heal the underlying sources of their tensions together. So they each grow from their stress generated interactions -- both within their Self, and in their intimacy with each other.
You too can gain these profound awarenesses and skills that couples have found make all the difference