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Cancer - Cause and Cure

Cancer - Cause and Cure

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Dr_jonathan 10 years, 1 month ago

No# 1 book for every cancer patient

Dr. O. P. Verma's book is highly recommended to every cancer patient.
The book is a very thorough and easy readable introduction to <strong> Dr. Johanna Budwig's method</strong> . The language is formed by his clinical experience and his contact with Mr. Lothar Herneise, who was educated by Dr. Johanna Budwig.

Dr. O. P. Verma has found a balance between explanations and transparency.
3E-Program developed by Lothar Herneise is
<strong> Eat well (Raw Organic Diet)</strong>
<strong> Eliminate toxins (Detoxification)</strong>
<strong> Energy (Balance the flow of life force)</strong>

The book contains: Eldi oil, Coffee Enema, Epsom bath, Sun Therapy, Energy Healing, Budwig-Compatible Natural Alternatives to Pain Medication, Remedy for Bone pain. The book gives a lot of supplemental possibilities to fortify the diet and bring it into a modern perspective. Several methods to strengthen the spirit, as emotional problems must be overcome. Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer's astonishing discovery of a emotional trauma - brain – cancer connection is nicely explained.
A dozen herbs are highlighted and their positive impact described. The chapter about Ligians gives flax seeds a unique position. Ligian health benefits extend beyond hormone-dependent breast cancer, osteoporosis, and prostate cancer to include brain function, cardiovascular disease, immune function, inflammation and reproduction. The chapters about omega 3, 6, 9 fatty acids and corresponding Series 1, 2, 3 prostaglandins contain vital information also expressed with unusual clarity.