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Breathe (eBook)

Anthology of Science Fiction
Type: e-book
Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy
Language: English
Price: ₹50
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Available Formats: PDF

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Breathing as an art is at a crossroads in this particular year. The world is at the mercy of a deadly virus that has, among its major symptoms, the quality of inducing breathlessness among its innocent victims.

The problematic issue of off-world breathing (the premise that inspired the name of this anthology) has been deftly tackled in many shades by several authors in this anthology. The other stories that have graced this anthology deals with a gamut of intriguing plots, from the arbitrary decision of a gifted scientist to abandon the human race, to the real world problems of food crisis and how it may shape up in the forthcoming years.

Science Fiction must be fearless in dealing with subjects that are important to determine humanity's future. To that end, "Breathe" is a truly important collection of stories that gives a fair share of both warnings and...

About the Author

Edited by Jay Chakravarti, founder/chief editor of CultureCult Press

Book Details

Publisher: CultureCult Press
Number of Pages: 224
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

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