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The Advent (eBook)

Type: e-book
Genre: Religion & Spirituality
Language: English
Price: ₹390
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Available Formats: PDF, EPUB


This book proposes and describes a new category of perception (“vibratory awareness”) beyond thought, feelings or instinct, by which all kinds of absolute questions are answered. This awareness itself thinks, organizes and loves. It balances, neutralizes and heals human problems, and relates man to the Divine. In different scriptures it has been named as divine breath or the flood of bliss. It is innate in every human being, though unconscious for most. Great prophets and founders of different world religions preached the lifestyle which would optimize man’s awakening to its conscious knowledge (“self-realization,” “second birth,” “mukti”). Divine incarnations, who came on this earth at different stages of man’s evolution, prepared the setting for its manifestation, on a mass scale, as the phenomenon of “collective consciousness.” Every reader is invited to verify personally the existence and the validity of this new awareness; many already have.

Book Details

ISBN: 9780359794355
Number of Pages: 407
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

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