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New Approach To World Peace (eBook)

A Sicio-Political Education
Type: e-book
Genre: Politics & Society
Language: English
Price: ₹20
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World Peace has been a subject matter of G7 Countries, typically United Nations has been the key negotiator in resolving international conflicts. The “New Approach to World Peace” identifies the two hurdles, that human beings have, to overcome to attain global peace so that every person can enjoy and move freely on this Earth. The first hurdle is purely political, that is far too many people live in countries where citizens are not allowed to think free because, governments are too authoritarian, as in China, or like in Russia where Democracy has been highjacked or because of the flawed constitution as in India. The second hurdle is that societies are so bound by their religion that free-thinking or human development is NOT easy. In both cases, citizens have limitations in contributing towards World Peace. The Elements of World Peace that is, Republicanism and Neosecularism explained in this book, answers...

About the Author

The author is promoting the idea through his book-New Approach To World Peace, that citizens of the world who are moderate in their religious views should unite and be part of one database where they can share their ideas and have a common goal towards Peaceful Globalization, therefore, he is urging everyone, to read this book and be part of in this human endeavor. The proceeds of the book will go to the start-up group for this cause. The author also has the following observations on this subject: 1. Country, Religion, Tribalism, and Humanity In our upbringing, we are taught, to be loyal to our country, we are also given lessons of religion, and surely reminded again and again of birth affiliation towards our ethnicity and where our forefathers came from. In the West European countries, North America, China, Russia, and even Japan priority to the “country loyalty” is...

Book Details

ISBN: 9780999903919
Publisher: Makhijani Trading Co
Number of Pages: 127
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

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