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My reminiscences and objectives to strengthen youth
Type: e-book
Genre: Biographies & Memoirs
Language: English
Price: ₹101
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“Flying is a serious profession. Do not carry your worries beyond this point” We read daily the Slogan written on the door of hangar while taking out helicopter for flying. It was tense and grueling morning of winter when gliders Patiala aviation club took off and landed after shorter sorties. An aircraft took off from the launch pad with three technicians and two pilots but within 15 minutes of flying there was a blast and aircraft fell to the ground with fumes and fire. Within few minutes fire brigade, ambulance and other task forces arrived on the site but unfortunately no crews could be survived as aircraft had caught huge fire as the ATF (aviation turbine fuel) is highly inflammable. It was a regime all serviceable aircrafts were in the air to boost up the moral of soldiers. The unforgettable moments and relevant topics of this book is mainly...

About the Author

Author had 15 years of active service in Indian Air Force as an Airman. He worked on Aero Engines of various aircrafts equipped in Armed forces. He was working in the trade of Engine fitter and had a specialization in Helicopter engines. During his service in Air Force he was posted to different parts of the country including Leh-Ladakh as well as Jammu and Kashmir. He was a part of various operations of Armed Forces like Blue start operation, Blast Track operation and Passive air defence during peace time. He worked not only in Air Force Units but also rendered service in Army in units of Air Defence Regiments. Along with the Equipment and Aircrafts, he was also trained in Arms and ammunition like .303 rifles and LMGs. While working on the aircrafts he discharged the duties of Guard commander and preserved various security levels of Air Force at...

Book Details

Publisher: KR GOSWAMI
Number of Pages: 91
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

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