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ShivGita Part Two

ShivGita Part Two

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manoj@1234 8 years, 11 months ago

Re: ShivGita Part Two (e-book)

In our short life, there are very few things of more importance than leadership. We all are born leaders, since we lead our own life and that of our immediate family-n-friends. I hope you agree! The absence of leadership in every aspect of our life, can dramatically affect how we live our life.
In the absence of leadership, businesses run slowly than the potential, become directionless. The absence of decision-making process, affects the whole business, results in loss of vital skills such as time management as well as communication skills.
Leaders in our personal as well as professional life, help us correct things that have gone wrong, going wrong or likely to go wrong either. They provide us with probable solutions for our day-to-day problems. Various leaders around us influence our behaviour, help us to modify the outcomes of our current and future events, and thus make our life easy at home and at office.
All of us realise the value of leaders in our life; be at home, in society or office. Many of us accept the necessity of excellent leadership skills as well as strive hard to become a high-calibre leader to have complete control over our surrounding-n-society.
Wherever we are, inculcating exceptional leadership traits-n-skills in every aspect of our life is most necessary. Let us be the leader that we always desperately looked for, and are often looking for or always wish to have one.
There is a leader within every lad-n-lady, every man-n-woman. To lead is human, but to be an honest follower is equally human. There are two kinds of persons, one that are in search of a leader so they can follow and other are in search of followers so they can lead.
There cannot be a life without leader and leader without life. During the lifetime, we come across many leaders; with their knowledge, they make a great difference in our lives, at various points of time and turn of events.
At the same time, knowingly-unknowingly, we too play role of a leader at opportune times. We always lead our lives as self-leaders, but true leaders live their life, while selflessly leading life of others.
Do you know the leader living in you? For a leader, school is never out, but within. Your inclination, interest, involvement and intense of need, leads you to learn the lessons of leadership.