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Men's HUB Issue 006

Men's HUB Issue 006

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danandraj 7 years, 10 months ago Verified Buyer

Re: Men's HUB Issue 006 (eBook)

It's an eye opener regarding the rampant misuse of anti dowry and other gender biased laws. It's a must read for everyone and congratulations to the author for highlighting this menace of law misuse.

csagrawal@gmail.com 7 years, 10 months ago Verified Buyer

Re: Men's HUB Issue 006 (eBook)

The articles are very good especially on dowry death. This is a completely wrong law. I wonder how and why this law is still there in our lawbook and how and why it entered our lawbook in the first place!!!

I must say one thing here : when these kind of laws are made the argument given is that these laws are made in good faith. Meaning that these laws are dangerous but it won't be misused by the citizens. With such an immoral, selfish and corrupt society (police, judiciary and NGOs included) how is that even imagined? I'm a society where rape cases are filed for merely rupees 500, where the gift given at marriage is called criminal dowry later when relationship turns sour, where any marriage failure is labeled a dowry demand cruelty HOW IS IT EXPECTED THAT LAWS AS WRONG AND DOWRY DEATH LAWS WOULD BE USED WITH CAUTION AND WITHOUT ANY MALICE????? WE SHOULD FIND A WAY TO STOP THIS LAW. THIS IS A HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATION LAW. IT'S A CANCER THAT CAN OCCUR TO ANYBODY (BUT SADLY EVERYONE THINGS IT WON'T HAPPEN TO THEM).

gursharn76 7 years, 10 months ago Verified Buyer

Re: Men's HUB Issue 006 (eBook)

The Magazine is an initiative to provide a voice to Neglected Gender.

Any Human who believe in true equality can share his thaughts with us on mhub@daman4men.in


Superboy23 7 years, 10 months ago Verified Buyer

Re: Men's HUB Issue 006 (eBook)

A great start. At least there is one which is exclusive for men. Hope this will get attention of so called men who are false feminist by nature.

bhosekar 7 years, 10 months ago Verified Buyer

Re: Men's HUB Issue 006 (eBook)

A Must Read for Men of Today. Well Written for Sure. Kudos Daman Welfare Society.

In today's world of everything Feminine while completely ignoring and at the expense of a male point of view, hopefully this should help create some balance.