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The God Factor - For Success and Contentment (eBook)

Type: e-book
Genre: Self-Improvement, Religion & Spirituality
Language: English
Price: ₹101
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Available Formats: PDF

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Excerpt -
I start with a story about a farmer. There was a farmer, always complaining, “Oh God! What are you doing, you make it rain when there is no need of it for the crops and you make sun shines at its peak, when crops require water and cloudy weather. What is this? You are God but not playing the role of God perfectly and in all this I am suffering, my family is suffering. But you are just watching. This is ridiculous. I am not earning the way I should and this is because of you. You never listen to my prayers and that is why my life is becoming a hopeless affair. But, what to do, you are also not listening. Oh God! You are worthless. You are nowhere.”
Praying daily like this one day he saw God, appeared in front of him, in the form of a...

About the Author

He is basically an engineer and working at the post of Asst. Professor in an engineering college. He has started writing as his hidden thirst, as he was interested in writing from the beginning but, not got the time before, because, he had decided to make a career in engineering. After achieving that career he decided to fulfill his thirst and started writing. ‘The God Factor – For Success and Contentment’ was his first book. He has interest in writing on the topic of spirituality and motivation. Spirituality is always his basic quest and that is why he is very much interested in spirituality. This book which he is writing is also basically concern with spirituality. Write at Hurry!!!! can get a free.

Book Details

Number of Pages: 67
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

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The God Factor - For Success and Contentment

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