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(2 Reviews)

Cybersecurity Awarness: A Real-World Perspective on Cybercrime & Cyberattacks (eBook)

Cyber Security Demystified
Type: e-book
Genre: Science & Technology
Language: English
Price: ₹725
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Available Formats: PDF


Cybersecurity Awareness: A Real-World Perspective on Cybercrime & Cyberattacks.

Cyber Security Demystified for non-techie, organizations, students, teachers, kids, law enforcement, women and for the common man.

Learn how Not to be phished, exploited, defrauded, 50+ practical tips, Counter ATP, Email Scams, Vishing Calls, WhatsApp Scams, Zero-day Threat, Cloud Security, Social engineering attacks, Ransomware risk, Online Banking Frauds, Dating Scams, PDoS, data security, Tor and lot more.

Table of Contents

Introduction Pg.8
Don't fall in love with pdf attachments: PDF attacks - the dedication of the criminals Pg. 10
Image can hack your WhatsApp account - risk, threats and countermeasures Pg. 12
Hookups on public Wi-Fi could be deadly pg. 13
Don't leave your cookies for others Pg. 15
You don't share underwear... Then why do you share your OTP (one-time password)? Pg. 17
IoT: what is it? How vulnerable is it and how to protect your IoT devices? Pg. 20
What's on cloud? How it...

About the Author

Author is Cyber Crime Investigation Faculty, Cyber Forensic Analyst, and Blockchain Researcher. He has authored four books on Cyber Law, Digital Currency, Bitcoin, Blockchain and Cyber Crime Awareness. He contributes to Magazines of International Repute. He is also a contributor to Collaborative Online Investigation Network (COIN). He has been awarded Man-of-Substance form Asian School of Cyber Law. He had prepared TOR Handbook (Published for Law Enforcement). Bitcoin Forensics, Dark Web, Banking and FinTech are other areas of his interest.

Book Details

Publisher: Google Play Book Publisher
Number of Pages: 133
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

Ratings & Reviews

Cybersecurity Awarness: A Real-World Perspective on Cybercrime & Cyberattacks

Cybersecurity Awarness: A Real-World Perspective on Cybercrime & Cyberattacks

(5.00 out of 5)

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2 Customer Reviews

Showing 2 out of 2
RakshaT8858 3 years ago

Cyber awarness...mind blowing book!

I was thrilled to read this book. So many day to day digital crimes buy for cyber security awarness!

Ginavalentine 3 years ago

Zapped! Cyber awareness must read if you care for yourself.

Yes, the most beautiful book. Cyber crime is galloning. We make small mistake and become victim of Cyber crime. Thank you form the bottom of my heart for such a...

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