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Life In Shackles (eBook)

Type: e-book
Genre: Literature & Fiction
Language: English
Price: ₹50
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Available Formats: PDF


If we analyze the history of Ancient India, Mughal era and British rule, we may find tremendous changes in the society, moreover in the conditions of women in the society. As the period of Vedic Era passed by, the culture of Gurukul and debate vanished completely. While studying the British rule we find that there were so many malpractices in the society either in the name of religion or considering the safety of women. It is very difficult to find out the exact starting point of such malpractices and to reach the first victim but it is believed that all this happened due to Mughal and British atrocities on Indians which gave birth to social insecurity, particularly of a woman. Some of these malpractices like burqa, veil, western culture etc were introduced in this country with the entry of invaders which are still not fit in these climatic conditions,...

About the Author

The author is a management and engineering professional as well as an educationalist by qualification. He is best known for his impartial and analytical opinions on political, social and religious issues. He is also a passionate social thinker. The books "Pratibimb" and "Mahakte Panne" were published by Yuvraj Prakashan which consist of his prominent works. His first book '' Kathputli'', which was published in March 2017, made news for two months right from social media to print media. ''Kathputli was his first independent venture and was self-published. Prakash started working for newspapers as a freelancer in early 1990s. Starting from Hindi weekly ''Shrambheri'', he has continued to display his skills in the form of articles, poems and stories in various newspapers and magazines till date. Apart from Goodreads authors, he maybe followed at Amazon Author Central. He also runs a popular blog and can be followed on twitter...

Book Details

Number of Pages: 99
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

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