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Jasmine Design By Test

Jasmine Design By Test

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4 Customer Reviews

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NinjaCoder 6 years, 1 month ago

Re: Jasmine Design By Test (eBook)

This is really nice book, straight to the point and really helpful intro. It covers extensive and seamless use of mock to build quality production code .. this books make the TDD so easy and natural. Highly recommended!

ankitwashere@hotmail.com 6 years, 1 month ago

Perfect testing explanation

Would recommend it to all level of Jasmine users.
This has a bit more practical approach towards testing that you usually find. Good examples and clearly written steps.

Sanam309 6 years, 1 month ago

Test-Code-Refactor - TDD

TDD is now new normal in commercial software development.
This book has explained with ease about this concept with full web page designed with various complex integration point.

ashishmish 6 years ago Verified Buyer

Re: Jasmine Design By Test (eBook)

This book is worth every paisa. Simply written and includes a lot of useful code snippets. It only contains what you want to know, no unnecessary theoretical contents.