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The story of the universe from the beginning to the present, told by an eyewitness - Yog , the quark.
Type: e-book
Genre: Medicine & Science, Politics & Society
Language: English
Price: ₹99
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Available Formats: PDF, EPUB


FROM BIGBANG TO OVERPOPULATION is an eyewitness account of the evolution of the universe from its very origin to the present. It is told as a chronological story - by Yog, a quark – an eye-witness which was there from the start. Quarks are the oldest existing particles in the universe. Quarks know everything, since everything is made of quarks and electrons – everything, including you and me. Since they have no emotions, quarks are absolutely objective and so is Yog's narrative.

The book consists of two parts which can be read independently.
In the first part, Yog describes the evolution of the universe from the very beginning, the formation of particles, atoms, matter, galaxies, stars, comets, of our solar system, of planet Earth. A review by a German physics professor endorses the scientific plausibility of the narrative. It continues with the evolution of life, from the first...

About the Author

The ghost writer of FROM BIGBANG TO OVERPOPULATION, Siegfried Eckleben was born in Weimar, Germany on Labor Day, May 1st, 1944.
(It started with labor and he's been laboring ever since). His family fled the Russian Zone of post war Germany in 1949 and emigrated to what is now Namibia. He grew up and attended school in what was then South West Africa and studied electrical engineering at the University of Cape Town, South Africa.
Having lived and worked mainly in Southern Africa, North and South America, Australia and Europe, he has now retired back to Namibia – and another residence on one of the Azores Islands in the North Atlantic.
The enigma of the endless universe and concepts such as eternal and infinity awed and intrigued him since childhood and eventually drove him to write the first part of FROM BIGBANG TO OVERPOPULATION. The peculiarities of humans that...

Book Details

ISBN: 9789994571376
Publisher: Siegfried Eckleben
Number of Pages: 196
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

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