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Soham Gita (eBook)

Type: e-book
Genre: Philosophy, Religion & Spirituality
Language: English
Price: ₹49
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Available Formats: PDF


I am constantly saying – my and mine, but who am I? Am I the body or the mind? What is consciousness – the awareness of my existence that creates the feeling that “I exist”. From where did my consciousness arise? Is it a property of my body or mind? Or, is it beyond my body and mind? What is my relationship with this world? From where did I come, and where will I depart after death? What are the need for religion, God, scripture, temples, idols, worship, and the different modes of spiritual pursuits? Can they unravel my reality? Why do I suffer? How can I find bliss? Soham Gita answers these questions and more in a simple language in the light of Advaitavada, the universal wisdom of non-duality. It dispels superstitions and challenges religious orthodoxy and fanaticism. Soham Gita is the first written work of Soham Swami. It was written in verses in Bengali, the native tongue of the author. The English prose translation of the book is now available for interested readers.

Soham Gita exposes the truth about

Samsara or the worldly life comprising family and others you call your own
Individuals who declare themselves as gurus or holy men
Personal God or the creator-God
Avatara or incarnations
It explores and analyses

The mind and how it acts
Why an individual is attracted to another
How different mental traits originate
It reveals facts and myths about

The relationship between food and mind
The reality of Sattvic, Rajasic and Tamasic foods
Non-vegetarianism vs. vegetarianism
Dietary habits of the Vedic Age
It investigates the mysteries of

It boldly examines and challenges subjects considered sacrosanct such as

Karma or religious rituals
Bhakti or devotion
It clarifies the nature of

Jnana or knowledge
An ascetic
It explains the doctrine of

Advaitavada or non-dualism

About the Author

Paramhangsa Soham Swami (1858-1918) was an Advaitin monk. Known as Shyamakanta Bandopadhyay in his pre-monastic life, he was famous across the Bengal Presidency in the last two decades of the 19th century for his unusual vocation – wrestling with tigers. His goal was to instil fearlessness in the minds of people of a subjugated nation and prepare them for the war of independence. At 41, abandoning wealth, family, and fame, he became an ascetic and realised the Truth of Self in Samadhi. To eradicate superstition and social, religious, and gender-based discriminations that were obstacles to the development of society, in the last ten years of his life, he wrote copiously on Advaitavād or the philosophy of non-dualism.

Book Details

Publisher: Sayambhati Publication
Number of Pages: 332
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

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