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Atma Katha (The Authorized Story of Sri Sri Yukteshwarji's First Disciple, Sri Matital Mukhopadhyay) (eBook)

Type: e-book
Genre: Self-Improvement, Religion & Spirituality
Language: English, Sanskrit
Price: ₹89
(Immediate Access on Full Payment)
Available Formats: PDF


ATMA KATHA (Autobiography)

The thrilling autobiography of Sri Yukteswarji's first disciple, - SHRI MATILAL MUKHOPADHYAY

The Yogiraj commissioned Motilal Mukhopadhyay to write of his experiences with Sri Sri Thakur and Sriyukteswar. Matilal Babu speaks humbly and clearly about the growth of his spiritual illumination in His Atma Katha.

About the Author

Acharya Matilal Thakur

Matilal Thakur was the foremost disciple of Shriyukteswar. He dedicated his life to his Guru and assisted him in every possible way. Once an incident occurred which changed his life completely. He used to commute by train from Serampore to Khidiripur where he worked in an office. One day as he was going to the Serampore station to catch a train, he heard screams of distress and approached the person who was in pain and suffering. His heart was filled with compassion, and forgetting all about his office he took the man in his lap and attended him. He felt a great change within him as if he heard someone whispering to him, "serving poor and needy means serving to God, and it is your duty for the rest of your life".

So profound was the effect of this incident on him that he gave up...

Book Details

Publisher: Powered by
Number of Pages: 363
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

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Atma Katha (The Authorized Story of Sri Sri Yukteshwarji's First Disciple, Sri Matital Mukhopadhyay)

Atma Katha (The Authorized Story of Sri Sri Yukteshwarji's First Disciple, Sri Matital Mukhopadhyay)

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