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Application of Education in Startup (eBook)

IoT and AI-based Notification on Cloud Technologies in Healthcare
Type: e-book
Genre: Education & Language, Science & Technology
Language: English
Price: ₹0
Available Formats: PDF


The combination of IoT devices, AI, and cloud technologies is bringing about a new age in healthcare delivery and patient care. This study explores how these advanced technologies interact to develop and use modern notification systems for healthcare providers and patients. The immense and revolutionary potential of this technological collaboration is clear: IoT devices act as the sensory network, always gathering a variety of patient data; AI algorithms analyze this data, revealing concealed patterns and producing forecasting insights; while cloud platforms offer the necessary scalable, accessible infrastructure for storing, analyzing, and sharing this valuable information.

About the Authors

1Surendar Rama Sitaraman,
Intel Corporation, California, USA

2Poovendran Alagarsundaram,
Humetis Technologies Inc,
Kingston, NJ, USA

3Dr.Haris M. Khalid, Assistant Professor, College of Engineering and Information Technology, University of Dubai, Academic City 14143, Dubai, United Arab Emirates


Book Details

Publisher: Springer-GEH Press
Number of Pages: 12
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

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