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Srimad Bhagavatam (eBook)

A Blend of Bhakti, Jnana and Vairagya
Type: e-book
Genre: Religion & Spirituality
Language: English, Sanskrit
Price: ₹0
Available Formats: PDF

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Srimad Bhagavatam is one of the greatest books in Hinduism emphasizing Bhakti or devotion. Immensely popular all over India, it has inspired poets, saints and artists, as it provides a great range of material for their art.

It enthralls the mind and turns it away from Samsara, the mundane world, towards the Lord. Every word of it speaks of His Leelas, plays and activities, embedded with the teachings of the Vedas.

The author lucidly explains the importance of Puranas as a part of Vedic literature and the exalted position of Srimad Bhagavatam as the Mahapurana which is the word-form of Bhagavan Sri Krishna.

As the glories of Bhagavan's incarnations are highlighted, the crown-jewel of incarnations, avataras – Sri Krishna Avatara is introduced as the child of Mother Yashoda, the cowherd-lover-boy of the Gopikas and the teacher for Arjuna and Uddhava. While Bhakti-rasa, the essence of devotion,...

About the Author

Sri T.N.Sethumadhavan, a Retired Bank Executive, devoted to the study of Hindu Scriptures and Philosophy, is settled at Nagpur, India. He is a Vedantic seeker by choice and enjoys co-relating ancient Hindu thoughts to modern behavioral sciences and management studies. He is engaged in actively promoting this goal through lectures, writings etc. His extensive writings on the Sanatana Dharma are easy to read and understand, thus being instrumental in enlivening the zeal to learn more about Hinduism in the modern context.

Book Details

Publisher: SETHU’S BOOKS
Number of Pages: 45
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

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