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Emergence (eBook)

Book One of The Alicorn Quest
Type: e-book
Genre: Teens, Science Fiction & Fantasy
Language: English
Price: ₹178
(Immediate Access on Full Payment)
Available Formats: PDF, EPUB


It was early morning on the first day of October in the year 950 CE. Another day of commerce was about to begin in Mamallapuram, the bustling port city on India’s southeast coast. Gentle cool breezes were drifting in from the Bay of Bengal preceding the tropical heat that would soon engulf this community of artists, merchants, fishermen and farmers. A strange expressionless man dressed in black walked among the locals making inquiries about where to find the best and most respected metal craftsman. It was essential for him to find a qualified metal-crafter without delay, one who could be trusted not to steal his precious gold jewelry. He was a Bedouin sorcerer and magician with an evil reputation as a purveyor of black magic. A dark-hearted man with a mission to fulfill the requirements of the charmed unicorn star and bangle as foretold in ancient south Indian Naadi...

About the Authors

William has been a Portland Oregon resident since 1978. During the past fifteen years, his daughter Beth has either leased or owned horses and competed in both dressage and western riding competitions. Today she owns a miniature horse and a (rescued from slaughter)thoroughbred race horse.

When not writing, he enjoys taking photographs of people, places and things he encounters on his wanderings around Oregon.

Book Details

Number of Pages: 342
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

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