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Yen's World

Yen's World

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jashkriplani 7 years, 2 months ago

Re: Yen's World (eBook)

There are books that have stories to tell, that want to bewitch you in their intricate web of words, books that want to exhibit author’s literary flourish. Then there are some books that want to repair you. Yen’s World seems to be written with the last purpose in mind.

Our souls go through a lifetime of ups and downs. We lose a lot and we gain some in our daily struggles. Faith is perhaps the last of the possessions that is snatched from our innocence by the harshness of adulthood. Every now and then, when we are down and out, we realize the gravity of this loss. Like a sudden jarring sound of an empty vessel falling on the ground, this sense of emptiness grips and engulfs. In these moments, we find ourselves helpless. Sometimes, we wistfully recall memories of our younger selves, when kissing the face of a deity hanging by a thread around our neck was enough to put our minds at ease. A silent prayer would do the trick and make us feel that help was on its way.

Based on true stories, the book weaves together some beautiful, some traumatic and some intriguing experiences of the author. All these various experiences test the author’s understanding of reality itself. His journey which incidentally traverses through some of the most beautiful and awe-inspiring scenes and sights on this planet, forces him to question, rethink and finally cement his belief in the ethereal and eternal.

It is a five-letter word, but it seems to mean much more than what it says. When you have an unshakeable FAITH, the book shows that the spirit is able to call upon miracles. It might not always be a spectacle to behold, but among the routine and mundane, the spirit starts to witness the subtle hands of the sublime.

As the book sinks in, it stirs up those ebbing memories that were washed away by the stormy twists and turns of time. The pages of the past suddenly flip back and it strikes you like a gentle wave. It must have been a couple of days since I had finished the book. I was sitting at my desk in office. I was on a short break from transcribing some interviews and it struck me.

I had lost my dad in my early teens and my faith must have left me along with him; I felt I had stumbled upon the genesis of my faithlessness. He was a devout man and his belief in the eternal was the family’s anchor. Every evening, he would lead prayer sessions at home. He had a wide and varied collection of audio cassettes with recordings of spiritual talks by men of different orders. Spiritual books and other related literature was always stacked up on his study table. His faith was unshakeable. He had the courage to believe and his relentless belief was contagious. The loss of his presence had thrown my belief system into malfunction. This epiphany might be beginning of something new. Knowing and reminiscing the past may be one way to recover from it.

Hopefully, in reading this book the reader finds his own personal story and in putting together pieces of his own narrative, takes his first steps on the path of self-discovery.

- Jash Kriplani, Asst. Editor, Outlook Business, Mumbai.

kreativearts 7 years, 2 months ago Verified Buyer

Re: Yen's World (eBook)

Starting mysteriously, this book takes you on a journey of a lifetime! One, that you will never forget.

From the streets of Mumbai and a small village in Kerala, slowly you are lead on a journey around the globe with its lead protagonist swimming against the tide all along.

Learning about life, nature, destiny, failure, faith, belief, success, love, determination, passion, ghosts, mystery and more.
Yen's World digs into your inner core!

How I love the narrative style!

The book gives you key and thought provoking insights in to the human mind. Such intangible emotions are described so beautifully and with so much ease, that it will leave you spellbound!

Inspiring to the core, Yen's World is quite informative too!

Life at Sea has probably never been described so well before..!!

Drama, Mystery, Intrigue, Horror, Romance, Spirituality - Yen's World has it all!
Apart from a romantic tale which is full of twists and turns, the book takes you into yet another kind of romance, probably that has never been revealed before - Romance of a Captain and his ships <3 That for me is the biggest take away..

The book has 4 parts - each part could be a book by itself.
Fabulously Written - Each part is a Masterpiece !

Would love to see a movie or maybe a complete series made on this.. It has the potential to be the next Titanic - added with more ships, tales, locations, stories, ghosts and romance, it just gets better!

Give it a shot! I am sure you will not regret!