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An Introduction to Roman Traditionalism
Giuseppe Barbera
Type: Print Book
Genre: Social Science, Religion & Spirituality
Language: English
Price: ₹875 + shipping
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The last four decades have seen the emergence and steady growth of ethnic religious studies in academia. It has all the major characteristics that define a religious studies subject, including peer-reviewed journals, annual conferences, a dedicated unit in the American Academy of Religions, and a visible contingent at the World Parliament of Religions. The discriminatorily selective artificial constraint in humanities that genuine research stems only from an objective non-adherent point of view has finally been consigned to the dustbin, and centuries of hidden knowledge has gushed out from the insiders of all traditions around the world. This treasure has significantly enriched not just religious studies but the entire humanities academic space. In Europe, this trend was driven primarily by the phenomenal growth in practicing membership within every ethnic faith of the continent, from Slavic traditions in Russia to Celtic Druidism in Ireland and from Asatru in Sweden to Hellenism...

About the Author

Giuseppe Barbera is the President of Associazione Tradizionale Pietas and the Pontifex Maximus of the Pietas, the Gentile Community of Roman Religion in Italy. He is the son of Gianfranco Barbera whose students together with Giuseppe founded the organization in 2005. Giuseppe is an archeologist, public speaker and writer focused on the revival and growth of the classical religion of his ancestors in this beautiful country.

Book Details

ISBN: 9780981759616
Publisher: Mythology Corner
Number of Pages: 244
Dimensions: 6"x9"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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