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Inside Forest Fires

Wildlife Conservation in India - 5
Harbhajan Singh Pabla
Type: Print Book
Genre: Science & Technology
Language: English
Price: ₹699
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Like all its siblings, this book is also a myth-buster. In short, it brings out the creative side of the much hated forest fires.
Of course fire kills the living and burns the dead. But, it also creates opportunities for new life and growth by freeing space and life-building materials. Fire creates diversity of habitats that nurtures diversity of life. Forests without fire will be fit for a few species but unfit for many.
No forest can escape fire forever. But small fires can prevent devastating conflagrations. No wonder many countries burn their forests in patterns believed to mimic historical fire regimes.
But, In India, foresters can go to jail if there is a forest fire. We spend crores on preventing and fighting benign fires. Inexplicably, modern fire science has simply bypassed India. Like conservation of wildlife in general, ignorant stereotypes, not science, rule our attitudes towards forest fires.
HS Pabla, former...

About the Author

Harbhajan Singh Pabla is the former Chief Wild Life Warden of Madhya Pradesh. Apart from doing the usual things that an Indian forester does, he nurtured his love for the wild while managing national parks like Kanha, Panna and Bandhavgarh. On the basis the lessons learned on the ground, he developed a penchant for challenging the stereotypes that rule the conservation mindsets in the country.
He introduced a culture of active wildlife management in India. When Panna lost all its tigers, he led their successful reintrodution, including the rewilding of hand-reared orphans. This has given the world the confidence that wild tigers will always be around. He also reversed the local extinctions of gaur, blackbuck and barasingha in various parks of Madhya Pradesh. Thousands of animals have been moved between Indian parks since then, on the strength of the learnings from his initiatives. Despite his retirement from IFS, he still...

Book Details

ISBN: 9781637545386
Publisher: HS Pabla
Number of Pages: 199
Dimensions: 5"x8"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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